We are excited to share the latest progress on our project aimed at improving mobility options for residents in supportive housing communities. Our team, in collaboration with King County Metro (KCM) and Hopelink, is facilitating a series of workshops across…
Health Through Housing: Pedestrian Accessibility Mapping (PAM) Project
The Health Through Housing (HTH) Initiative is an innovative approach that accelerates King County’s response to chronic homelessness. Through partnerships and close collaboration between city governments, service providers and local communities, HTH purchased former hotels and converted them into permanent…
The Sidewalks Inventory and Accessibility Mapping under Washington State Proviso
Under the directive of the state legislature and using innovative technology by the Taskar Center for Accessible Technology, Washington is now creating an AI-generated, human-vetted network graph inventory of sidewalks across Washington State—the OS-CONNECT dataset. With this data, state agencies,…
The Importance of Accessibility on Sidewalks in São Paulo
By Tuca Munhoz – Accessibility Consultant, activist for the rights of people with disabilities in São Paulo. A Importânciada Acessibilidade nas Calçad Muito honrado em receber o convite para escrever este pequeno texto sobre a importância da acessibilidade nas calçadas,…
Accessible Sidewalks Project in Valparaiso, Chile
Joaquín Rodriguez is 19 years of age and is currently studying Administration and People Management Engineering. He lives in Quilpué city, in the Valparaíso region, and actively participates in mapping the accessible sidewalks project. Joaquin is visually impaired. Proyecto Veredas…
AI for Inclusive Urban Sidewalks project – City of São Paulo
By Denise Vac, Architect, Urban designer and Accessibility Specialist Projeto IA para Calçadas Urbanas Inclusivas – Cidade de São Paulo Calçadas são espaços públicos para a locomoção de todas as pessoas na execução de suas tarefas diárias necessárias: ir à…
Accessible and Inclusive Sidewalks in Quito, Ecuador
by Diana Suasnavas Barrera, Educational Technician at the City Museums Foundation Aceras accesibles e incluyentes en Quito, Ecuador Aceras accesibles e incluyentes significan un giro de 360° en la movilidad de nosotres las personas con discapacidad. Nada como disfrutar de…
OpenSidewalks Project in Providencia (Santiago de Chile)
Karina Grunwald is 53, with two children aged 25 and 13. She suffers from Multiple Sclerosis since 1997 and dreams of undergoing some type of treatment that will help her regain some of her lost functions. She is in love…
Project “AI for Inclusive Urban Sidewalks” in São Paulo
by Regina Cohen, Architect, G3ict-Smart Cities for All Country Representative for Brazil Projeto “Calçadas Urbanas Inclusivas” em São Paulo Calçadas são importantes elementos para cidades resilientes, acessíveis a todos e sustentáveis. “AI for Inclusive Urban Sidewalks” é um projeto que…
Students are Involved in the AI for Inclusive Urban Sidewalks project in Quito, Ecuador
Klever Rojas, David Bustamante, Martín Rivera, Paula Del Salto and Biandona Recalde are the students, who have been actively involved in the AI for Inclusive Urban Sidewalks project in Quito, Ecuador. In this interview, they share their experience and talk…