ITS4US Webinar: Georgia DOT and University of Washington

Introduction to UW-TDEI OpenSidewalks and GDOT’s Sidewalk Data Collection: Learn about the importance of detailed, accurate data on pedestrian spaces and how it supports equitable transportation planning
ITS4US Webinar: Georgia DOT and University of Washington

October 24, 2024

Join us for an insightful webinar hosted by the Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office (ITS JPO) featuring the University of Washington’s Taskar Center for Accessible Technology (UW-TDEI) and the Georgia Department of Transportation’s Safe Trips in a Connected Transportation Network (GDOT ST-CTN) ITS4US projects.This session will explore innovative methods for collecting and digitizing sidewalk data, aimed at enhancing pedestrian safety, mobility and access. Following overviews of the deployments focusing on their innovative data collections, there will be an interactive discussion where attendees can engage with the project teams about their work. Future deployers will gain valuable insights from the experiences and lessons learned by the ITS4US deployment teams.

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