Washington State Proviso

Washington State is embarking on a journey to map and analyze every sidewalk within its borders. This initiative, provided for by a unique state proviso, aims to create a comprehensive inventory of sidewalks, assessing their accessibility and condition. Led by the Taskar Center for Accessible Technology, with the help of industry partner Gaussian Solutions LLC, this effort is not just a significant step in urban planning but a stride towards inclusivity and better quality of life.

The Need for a Comprehensive Sidewalk Inventory

Most communities in Washington lack a detailed record of their sidewalks. This absence of data hampers local and state agencies from making informed decisions about sidewalk maintenance and development. A 2019 report to the Joint Transportation Committee highlighted the financial burden on local governments to self-evaluate for ADA Transition Plan requirements. It also emphasized the need for collaboration across agencies to accelerate the development of an integrated network of non-motorized facilities.

Sidewalks are essential for active transportation, especially in lower-income neighborhoods where residents rely more heavily on walking and public transit. Without a detailed understanding of the current state of sidewalks, it is challenging to prioritize investments and improvements where they are most needed.

Legislative Support and Project Goals

Recognizing this gap, the Washington State Legislature included a specific provision in the 2023 Engrossed Substitute House Bill (ESHB 1125), Section 111. The bill allocates funds exclusively for the TCAT’s sidewalk inventory and accessibility mapping project. The initiative aims to develop a public dataset under an open license and create tools for publishing this data in an open format. This project is comprehensive, involving existing data sources, imagery, detailed surveys, and manually collected data across various types of roads.

Key Objectives

  1. Comprehensive Inventory: Create a detailed inventory of sidewalks across Washington State.
  2. Accessibility Assessment: Evaluate the accessibility of sidewalks for individuals with disabilities.
  3. Advanced Mapping Tools: Develop visualization tools to make the sidewalk data easily accessible and usable.
  4. Prioritize Overburdened Communities: Focus on counties with high proportions of overburdened communities for initial data collection

Advisory Meetings

Public advisory meetings for this project will provide a platform to various stakeholders to contribute their insights and perspectives on the sidewalk mapping and analysis initiative. Sign up for the TCAT mailing list to hear about upcoming advisory meetings.

Looking Ahead

This project, slated to run through the 2023-2025 fiscal biennium, aims to produce a foundational active transportation data layer for all counties. The legislature has expressed its intention to allocate additional funds in the 2025-2027 fiscal biennium to complete a second phase of work on the active transportation data.

The comprehensive sidewalk data will support the implementation of the Complete Streets directive and enhance the effectiveness of grantmaking by WSDOT’s Active Transportation and Public Transportation Divisions. By providing detailed information about sidewalk conditions and accessibility, local jurisdictions can make better-informed decisions, leading to more equitable and efficient use of resources. As the project progresses, it will serve as a model for other states, showcasing the benefits of detailed data collection and collaboration across agencies.